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France, Congo

Directed by Dieudo Hamadi

Abstract Colonel Honorine worked in Bukavu's police force for years as part of the Child Protection and Anti-Sexual Violence Unit, highly regarded for its effectiveness and the confidence it has able to restore in the community. But when Colonel Honorine is transferred to Kisangani, she must start over from scratch. Shortly after arriving in her new post, dozens of victims of sexual violence from the 6-Day War between Rwandan and Ugandan troops, land in her office. Thus begins a new challenge for the Colonel who is determined to fight for the recognition and support of these forgotten women, these outdated lives

genre Documentary


blog/view/1391419/video-coding-xvid-file-on-tvos-snapshot MAMAN COLONELLE / MAMA COLONEL (Trailer. Colonel Honorine Munyole is a robust forty-four-year-old widow and mother of seven young children – four of her own, three adopted. She wields her uniform, beret and black handbag like a protective shield, which her daily work desperately requires.

3/21/2017 Hot Docs has received filmmaker permission to upload this trailer to the HotDocsFest YouTube channel.


Colonel Honorine, more commonly known as "Mama Colonel" works for the Congolese police force and heads the unit for the protection of minors and the fight against sexual violence. Having worked for 15 years in Bukavu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of.
With a beret instead of a helmet and a handbag instead of a shield, Congolese policewoman Honorine Munyole is always on the side of the defenceless and the oppressed. For many women and children, she is the only light in an otherwise disintegrating country. Colonel Munyole is a stalwart mother of seven who considers her profession of policewoman to be her mission.

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